Public Art

Most of our public art projects have been gotten through a selection process – this might be interview, where we put in an application, get shortlisted, and have an interview (usually with a presentation) to ‘sell ourselves’. 

Another way is where we put in an application and get shortlisted, and then we, along with other shortlisted artists, make a macquette of our idea for the project. And a vote is held in the relevant community – so the community get the one they want.

Once (or twice) we have ‘picked up’ a project – where another person has pulled out and we have been asked to go in – we don’t enjoy these projects so much, because, very often, in their original form they are untenable, and we can see why the person pulled out(!) and we have to persuade commissioners to change the design – but it all works in the end.

And very occasionally we are asked straight out to do a project, but this is unusual because usually funding requires a selection process to ensure no nepotism!

But in all our public art work we try to maximise the input from the community, and, whenever possible, build in an element of the design that they can directly make - so wire pictures, mosaics or concrete slabs, for instance.

You will see in the images below  some of the elements made by the community – concrete slabs, for instance, and wire pictures. They can chose what to put in, and that’s important.  We have, for a few projects, actually camped on site, and invited the community to come and make designs for the sculpture slabs.  The logistics and benefits are enormous in equal measure!

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